“This is the season she will fearlessly pursue those light woven things she was called to do.”

This year has definitely been a year of refining, molding, shaping, faith building and so much more. I have come to rely on the Lord more than ever before and in different ways. I realized that I had put people and their opinions between me and God. What I mean is I had these dreams, plans, goals, desires from the Lord but would want approval from other people before pursuing those things. Why? Not sure, maybe insecurities, feeling unworthy, timid. Whatever it was I really feel like the Lord is breaking that this year! I found a few quotes by Morgan Harper Nicols this week that really sparked something inside me. I wanted to take some time to encourage you today, maybe these will stir something up inside you too, maybe you’ve put the purpose the Lord has called you to on the back burner. Well, now is the time to take it off! Now is the time to fearlessly pursue those things you’re called to do! 

“Give God the real version of you. Your prayers to Him don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to rely on euphemisms and metaphors because you’ve become so accustomed to keeping things hidden and not really letting anyone in. God already knows the real you and still loves you, so why not go ahead and tell Him everything? He’s not looking for the first date or even the second date version of you. He’s looking for authenticity.”

I realized in this time that I need to be honest. What a great idea, right? I needed to be honest with myself and with the Lord. What are my motives? What are your motives? Give God the real version of you. Even if it’s ugly. Even if it’s broken, dirty, sinful, clean, prideful, whatever it is, give it all to the Lord. 

A few years ago I began praying every day (or so) Psalm 51:10 over myself. “Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” He is the Creator of all things, I gave Him permission to create, fix, reshape, mold, break open, undo, and change those things in me that needed fixing. Those ideas of comparison, of my past, feeling unworthy or condemnation, I had to learn to accept His forgiveness and take Him at His Word (Bible) that there is NO condemnation (Romans 8:1) if I follow Him and that He really no longer sees my sin (that’s a hard one for me to comprehend). 

What and how you pray doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to sound like a poem or like a dissertation by a PhD. “God already knows the real you and still loves you.” He already knew you when He died for you so why bother trying to hide sin, thoughts, motives, or whatever else comes up. 

“This is the season she will make beautiful things. Not perfect things but honest things that speak to who she is and who she is called to be.”

Choose Jesus. Choose to be honest with Him and let Him in. Choose to put your faith and trust in Him, not in man, in Him not in religion. Get. In. Your. Word. How will you know who He is, who you are, what He says about you if you don’t spend time with Him and pursue Him? 

So often you hear, or I’ve even said (am I the only one?) “I just don’t hear the Lord speaking”, “I just don’t know His plan”, “I just don’t have direction from Him.” How often do you talk to Him? How often are you in the Word? Rarely? Hm… maybe that’s the problem. 

“She’s not afraid of the wait anymore, for she knows He will open doors beautiful and perfect in their time.”

Does anyone else feel like they’re waiting, a lot…? I know I do. I also have tried to “help” the Lord and “hurry things up” in some areas. I will spend a lot of time thinking of the future and ways to get to where I want to be or go. Yes, of course there is action required but the time I spend day dreaming about what “could be” but isn’t then am disappointed could be much better spent spending time in the Word and prayer and diligently working on what the Lord has be doing right now. 

I have gotten to this place where I’m not afraid of the wait anymore, I am embracing the wait, embracing the here and now, embracing being faithful in what He’s called me to do in this season. Because I know He will open doors in His timing. 



How can you trust someone you don’t know? How can you have faith in someone you’ve not ever talked to? 

Friend, I encourage you today to get in your Word. Make it a priority to have time with Jesus. Trust Him. Work faithfully and diligently on what He has called you to do. Be faithful in your purpose, whatever it may be, serve like Jesus, forget positions and titles, just do what He asks you to do. I’m praying for you, friend. I’m praying that the Lord encourages you, reminds you of those God Dreams in your heart, that you choose to Live God Adventures every day and say “yes” to Him!

2 Replies to “Are you living in your purpose?”

  1. Love this. I can always use this reminder. God is in control. Everyone don’t understand, and everyone can’t come. I just have to trust God!

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