December 12

“There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.” John 1:6-9

Continue reading through verse 18.

The Word became flesh. Sit back and let that sink in. The Word that was with God in the beginning selflessly gave Himself to be born as flesh, life a human life, suffer, and die for our sins. How incredible.

John was sent from God to testify and proclaim Jesus. Now, in verse 9 it says that “Jesus is the true light that gives light to every man.” Matthew 5:14 says that “we are the light of the world.” It is now our job to proclaim His truth, proclaim His name, share His love and tell others about Him. How will you do that this Christmas season?

Journal Prompts:

Take some time and ask the Lord to reveal people you come in contact to and specific ways to bless them this season, whether it’s texting a friend encouragement, or sharing the love of Jesus with a stranger, write those things down and thank God for equipping you to do them!

Family Activities:

  1. Write JESUS on a paper then draw “light” around that. Whether that looks like sun beams coming out, people standing around, let the child(ren) use their imaginations.
  2. Make a plan to share Jesus’ love in your community. Be intentional about telling others that Jesus loves them. (If you’re able, make “Jesus loves you” cards and take them around your community.)
The holiday season is my favorite time of year! I say holiday season because it really starts in September/October for me. The air is a bit more “crisp” (hah.. I live in Florida, maybe I’m just dreaming…), there are more opportunities to see family, Harvest Festivals in October, Thanksgiving in November, Christmas in December, then New Years! This season is my favorite! However, we can become so bombarded with life, get togethers, schedules, parties, meetings, events, and so many other things that we forget what the Christmas season is about. I wanted to take this opportunity to create a devotional that will hopefully bring you (and your children if you have them) closer to the Lord this season. The devotionals will all be listed below and will be shared Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until Christmas Day on the Facebook page (do you follow there?!). You will see options for activities if you have children, journaling prompts, and other things throughout the month. Weekly posting will resume Christmas Eve, December 24th. Feel free to share the devotional with your family and friends! Keep in touch on Facebook and I would love to see pictures if you do the crafts, journals, etc!

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