Early in December I found some new music from Brian and Katie Torwalt that just continuously wrecks me! Specifically today I want to share with you some thoughts about their song, Arms of Grace (this link should take you to that specific song, I recommend looking at the lyric video so you can see the words being said).

“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into His abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 TPT

One of the lyrics in the song that caught my attention were these:

Come as you are
He is calling
Bring your battle scars
He’ll embrace them
Come as you are
To the arms of Grace

Sometimes we get so caught up in feeling that we have to be perfect, I know I certainly do, that we try to hide or cover our scars and wounds from our past. That is absolutely me and absolutely something I do, am I alone in this? One of my cousins always says, “Everyone has a broken wing, some you can see some you can’t.” What’s your broken wing? Do you want to know a secret? Even when you try to hide it or ignore it, God has already seen it! Whaaaat…. yep! He already knows… Do you want to know another secret? He already saw it before He died on the cross.

Recently during a Bible school class I was taking the Lord showed me the picture of calvary, the cross. We often picture the cross as a movie star covered in ketchup standing/hanging on a cross. Let me tell you, that’s not what happened. Our sins deserve punishment. Jesus physically, literally, and spiritually bore our sin and shame. He saw all that we’ve done and all that we would ever do, He knew the times we would turn away from Him, the scars of abandonment, emotional hurt, physical hurt, past relationships, you name it, scars you’ve got, scars you know about He saw it all. Now, lets read these lyrics again.

Come as you are
He is calling
Bring your battle scars
He’ll embrace them
Come as you are
To the arms of Grace

Come as you are. Where are you? Do you know Jesus? Have you walked away from Him? Have you ever really met Him? Do you walk with Him daily but feel distant and try to hide things from Him? Come as you are. He is calling you, He desires you, He wants a relationship with you.

Bring your battle scars. This is the one that gets me every time and I feel that I have to pause and take a minute to regroup before going on. All those things I mentioned before, all that hurt and pain, whatever it was… bring it. He isn’t afraid of our mess. God isn’t afraid of our brokenness. He will embrace you and your scars as you are. Just come as you are and fall at his feet, fall into the arms of Grace.

The song goes on to say:

Through Him, all sin forgiven
Through Him, all burdens lifted
The name we’ll sing forever, Jesus
Now we’re no longer orphans
The doors of heaven open
The name we’ll sing forever, Jesus

Yes, come as you are. Yes, bring your scars. Yes, He will embrace it all. But don’t stop there! Your sin is forgiven! Act like it! Your burdens are lifted! Act like it! “The name we will sing forever, Jesus”! Sing it! Praise Him! You’re not longer an orphan, the doors of heaven are open! Praise His name forever!

Sometimes we get so used to hearing truth and being fed scripture but do we apply it? Do we allow it to change us on the inside? Don’t let this blog or this song just make you “feel good”. Walk with a new authority knowing you are chosen and set free! Walk away knowing you are covered by Jesus blood that washes away all sin!

“So let all who are fully mature have this same passion and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.” Philippians 3:15-16 TPT

Grow and become mature. Read the Word, ask the Lord to open your eyes and reveal Himself to you! Pray the scripture! Let’s advance together following one path with one passion!

2 Replies to “Will you bring your battle scars to Jesus?”

  1. I love this so much Brittany and so many people struggle with this! Can’t wait to hear the song!

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