Read Psalm 33
Psalm is such a good book of the Bible. There is so much knowledge, wisdom, and so much to learn. Today, I want to focus on Psalm 33 and specifically verses 10-12 and 15.
“The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect, the counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance. He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.” Psalm 33:10-12, 15
Our plans, hearts, and will must align with the Lord. Otherwise, our plans won’t work and we will be frustrated (other translations use this word in verse 10.)
His plans, His heart remains the same throughout generations. We must be in the presence of the Lord every day asking Him for direction for that day.
What we did years ago might not work now. If we get into a stale routine of serving the Lord and if we are just reading the Bible of out habit but not letting it renew and refresh our minds and decisions, then how can we be certain our plans are in alignment with the Lord?
Is what we are doing something He asked us to do or something we brought on ourselves?
Are we frustrated because He is frustrating our plans trying to get our attention?
Further down in verse 15 it says “He fashions our hearts individually and considers all our works.” He has set us up for success to follow His plan. He created our hearts and understands our works. We must surrender our hearts, our desires, and our plans to the Lord. We must listen for His voice and be led by Him. We must also allow the Lord to change us and humble ourselves and be obedient if that is what He is asking us to do (to make changes).
These verses are especially timely for me. I have a lot of thoughts floating around, a lot of possible decisions for my future, and my personality is very analytical and I love to have a plan moving forward. However, I was reminded last week that I need to “listen” and “be”. Listen to the Lord, and be still in His presence. That is enough. I don’t have to have everything figured out right now and neither do you. What we do need to do is get into the presence of the Lord, diligently seek His face (Psalm 27:8), wait on Him and confidently expect Him to be faithful (Psalm 27:14).
1. Take some time to read and reread over Psalm 27 and Psalm 33. Write down specific words, phrases, or verses that speak to you right now.
2. Pray and ask the Lord to help you confidently expect in Him. Ask Him to show you areas of your life that might be frustrating because you need to make a change. Sit in His presence, listen, and be.
3. Over the next few days, reread these chapters and really let these truths sink into your spirit.

And Psalm 27 is my favorite!
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