The past few days I’ve been listening to the Bible while I drive. I am taking a Bible school class called Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) and have to read it all. Tonight as I was driving the Lord began speaking to me about Moses. This post is speaking to me as much as it (hopefully) speaks to you. I’m praying that we all receive this Word and grow in Him. (Reading Exodus 2-4 will give you more context.)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Before Moses was formed God knew the plan for him. When Pharaoh tried to kill all the Hebrew boys God rescued him and saved him. Moses wasn’t perfect. Moses killed an Egyptian man and had to flee where he lived. But despite Moses’ past God decided to use him.

God knew and formed you and I before we were in our mothers wombs. He set us apart and knows us. He chose us. Despite our mistakes, despite the dreams that may seem dead. God has chosen us!

God came to Moses in a burning bush. In Exodus 3:7-10 it tells us that God heard His people crying out > came down to rescue them > by sending Moses to Pharaoh. God could easily change the situation but He chooses to use us to work out His plan. We just have to be obedient.

God strategically planned out everything and gave Moses details of what would happen. God showed Moses what signs and wonders He would use to prove Himself. Yet, Moses argued with God. God would give an instruction Moses would have an excuse as to why he couldn’t do it. He didn’t know what name to tell the Israelites, he didn’t think he was “good enough” to go to Pharaoh, he worried they wouldn’t believe him, then he used his speech impediment as an excuse. How many times did Moses argue with God and talk back to Him? God showed Moses in detail how He would deliver the Israelites and the signs and wonders He would use. Yet still Moses argued. When Moses told God that he couldn’t speak well God responded saying that He is the One who gives speech and that He would help Moses. But Moses still doubted. Moses asked God again and finally God became angry and gave Aaron to help Moses.

How many times do we argue with God? Maybe we do or don’t get the whole picture or plan but we are so worried about the little details. What people will say, how they will respond, we get self conscious. Then we say, “Oh, I can’t say that because I can’t speak well” or “I stutter” or “I’ll get flustered”. So we ask the Lord to send someone else.

Is God not all knowing? Does He not see everything, even the things we don’t see? Does He not have greater understanding of the big picture than we do? If God tells you to go, GO! If God tells you to go, asks you to speak, tells you to do something, DO IT! Obviously He has thought about the outcome and obviously YOU are the vessel He wants to use!

Stop second guessing Him!

Later in Exodus when Moses is receiving the Ten Commandments from God, Moses comes down from the mountain and Aaron and the people have built a golden calf t worship. I have to wonder, if Moses had spoken himself, if he had let the Lord work through him, if the Israelites had witnessed firsthand the passion inside Moses for what the Lord wanted to do, would things have happened the way they did?

Stop comparing yourself to others. Some speak with eloquence, some have had years of schooling, some stutter, some have a lisp, some are old, some are young, some are bold, some are shy. It doesn’t matter what fault you can find, what you’ve done. He knew you before you were formed! If God calls you – ANSWER! Respond to Him. Go when He says go, speak when He says speak.

What has the Lord called you to do? What is it that He has planned for you? What details has He given you that you’ve second guessed? Get alone with Him and allow Him to bring those things back to life! Earlier I said we can get “self conscious”. We should have a God confidence, such confidence in Him and that the Holy Spirit will work and speak through us that we trust Him enough to obey. Get alone with Him, spend time with Him, get in the Word, spend time in prayer. Grow in your relationship with Him and who He has called you to be.

Journal Prompts:

(Suggestion: When you see scripture listed below with a journal prompt or throughout the blog, writing that scripture out and hanging it somewhere that you will see it frequently is always a good idea. Learn the scriptures throughout the week, meditate on them, speak them over yourself.)

1. Write Jeremiah 1:5.

2. What desires has the Lord placed in your heart? What is He calling you to do? (Habakkuk 2:2 says to write down your plans.) 

Now pray over these things, speak life. The power of life and death are in your tongue (Prov. 18:21). 

3. Take some time to think about the excuses you’ve given to the Lord in the past. Write them down if you’d like. Then pray over yourself breaking these excuses, fears, worries, chains off of you! But don’t pick them back up after you’re done. Walk in freedom! 

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