Today was a rough day.

Today there were several elements that just kept building, emotions, (hormones), attitudes, personalities, lack of communication, and the list goes on.

I have struggled this week, after having off through the new year then going back to my full-time job, I’ve had a hard time balancing all the things in my life again. It just takes some adjusting. One of the struggles has been the deadline I made for this blog, that I would post once a week. It’s not that I don’t have the content to post, trust me, there is enough! (lol) But it’s putting it together in a format that actually makes sense (to someone other than me) and is beneficial to someone else. I want to post on this blog with excellence, with direction from the Lord. So, I pray. I pray daily (or multiple times daily) about this blog, for you, for the content, for direction from the Lord. Nothing was happening. Then, I had a bad day. You know when you’re so mad or frustrated that you’re freezing (in addition to it being 62 degrees in your office and 40 outside) and just want to say all these things but nothing seems to come out so you just sit there in silence… stirring… getting angrier… letting it build up… Well, maybe you’re not like me. Maybe you are the type that is actually able to say all those things… Either way, whether you’re like me or not my thought for today applies.

If you’ve read my posts on Attitude Check or Attitude of Christ you’ll know that the Lord and I have been working on my attitude… One of us might be a bit more enthusiastic about working on this than the other…….. I thought about those posts today. I’ll be the first to admit, I have not arrived, I’m not done learning. My walk with the Lord and my attitude being that of Christ is an ongoing thing. Maybe you’ve figured it all out. Maybe you’re thinking “Okay, that’s fine for you Brittany, but, my attitude is just totally fine and I don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m just going to skip this post.” Okay ; ) but maybe someone else is working on this too. Maybe I’m not the only one. : )

As I dealt with this frustration and anger I went back to my office and just sat. I just kept saying “Jesus”. You may think, “My goodness, what happened?!” Everything is fine now, but you know when you’re in the moment things just seem intensified. That’s where I was. That’s where this post came out of. and I’m realizing the Lord wants to reveal something to us. His Word says that we do not fight with flesh and blood but with rulers, authorities, and powers of this dark world.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:10-13

Last night at our Wednesday Night service we sang a song called Surrounded by Upper Room. Basically, it says “It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by you. This is how I fight my battles.”

What I’m trying to say is we do not battle against flesh and blood. The enemy will use anything to get at you, other peoples attitudes, feelings, etc. The enemy may use this to distract me from spending time with the Lord tonight because “I just need to rest because it’s been a long day.” Last night at our Wednesday Night service we sang a song called Surrounded by Upper Room. Basically it says “It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by you. This is how I fight my battles.” This song made me think of our “posture” during a battle. I want my attitude to be like Christ, I want to be like Jesus. So, I came to my office and asked Him for help. I kept imagining a battle.

What battle are you fighting? Are you not seeing the spiritual and fighting the flesh? Are you standing, trying to do it all on your own, pushing God to the back, trying everything in your power? Or do you see it as a spiritual battle? The posture I want to have during a spiritual battle is to be on my knees, seeking the Lord, trusting Him to fight these battles for me. To be lifting my hands in surrender worshipping the God that saves me.

That’s what I’m getting at. When you have a “bad day” choose… choose right then to stop and surrender. Surrender *your* attitude first. I’ll be very honest with you, sometimes this is hard for me because “I Just want to say this one thing because I need to have the last word, or I need to get this off my chest, or I need to say this.” But what does God need? Your surrender.