When I started this blog I put in the “about me” section that I really wanted this to be like a conversation between friends. Like a time sitting together, drinking coffee (or having ice cream) just talking about Jesus, life, and everything else. As I was thinking about what to write this week, when the topic came to mind, I was reminded of this, the conversation aspect.

So, let’s sit and chat. 🙂

If you’ve been reading the weekly posts you may have noticed in the last few I mention I’ve been struggling recently. I started listening to lies of the enemy and I let his voice get louder than Gods voice and Gods truth.

The story of the prodigal son has always stuck out to me in many different seasons of my life for many different reasons. The past few months have been included in those seasons. I tend to let fear, doubt, unworthiness etc fill my mind with racing thoughts of not being good enough and just kind of tumble downhill from there. Unworthiness is probably the biggest one. I was reading the story of the prodigal son again a few days ago and I wanted to share what stuck out to me.

“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.” But his father said to the servants, “Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.” So the party began.” Luke 15:20-24 (Translation is Immerse The Reading Bible)

Luke 15:20-24 (Translation is Immerse The Reading Bible)

I am so moved by these scriptures every time I read them. They have awakened and restored something in me that was blocked by lies. I want to share this with you in hopes that it awakens something in you also.

He returned home to his father. He recognized he was wrong, he admitted his fault and went back. Before those who are spiritually lost can come to God, they must recognize their true condition of slavery to sin and separation from God.

While he was still a long way off his father saw him coming. Pause. Tears. When I mess up, when I go the wrong way, when I allow sin into my life, while I’m still a long way off, while I’m still drowning in sin, when I realize my sin and choose to change, while I’m finding my way back to Him… He sees me. He knows me. He is filled with compassion and love. He runs to me. He. He. Runs. To. Me. My God, my Jesus, He sees me, knows me, loves me, and runs to me.

Now, this is the part I really wanted to focus on. The son is prepared with this long speech to say “I’m not worthy, let me just be a servant” he is ready to just work with the animals and he feels that he has forfeited his rights as a son, but he knows he will be taken care of even if he is just a slave to his father. How many times have we messed up and told ourselves “you don’t deserve forgiveness, you went too far, you forfeited your rights, you should just give up”? I know I have. I’ll raise both arms, legs, head, whatever else you want because I do it! Now watch what happens. The son says “I’m no longer worthy of being called your son” then it says “But his father said to the servants “Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him.” Basically, the father ignored the son. 🙂 The son is so stuck in his circumstance, sin, PAST, failures, what he should have could have would have done, that he cant move on. But he repented. You and I repented. When I read this I thought “So does God kind of ignore me when I’m thinking these things?” Not like completely ignore me and not hear me, but just not hang on to the sin like I do! When we start thinking that way, we get stuck in remembering our past. God has already moved on to our future! He has clothed us in the finest robe which is the blood of Jesus and His righteousness. He has moved on to the party, to the celebration of our return. Stop holding yourself back! Stop remembering what God has forgotten! Let go of it!

I have literally done this. I have said to the Lord, I don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I don’t deserve anything. Just let me work and serve you and that’s all. You place this “employee/employer” relationship on your walk with the Lord and that’s not right. He is our Father! He is our loving, compassionate, caring, kind, gentle, just, mighty, Father! Don’t get stuck in unworthiness. Take off the dirty rags, remind yourself of who you are, remember the “robe” that you wear. Don’t let the plan and purpose that the Lord has for you slip by because you’re afraid of your past, you’re afraid to move on. Get up, stand strong in who you are in the Lord, and get to work!

“When sinners sincerely turn to God, He is more than ready to receive them with forgiveness, love, compassion and the full rights of his children. God’s joy over the return and restoration of sinners to Him is immeasurable. Returning to God brings true life.” (Pieces of the notes from my Bible.)


Friend, God loves you so much more than you can comprehend. I want to continue this conversation with you if you’d like. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or want to talk more!

4 Replies to “Get past your past”

  1. Just one more comment…I reeead this one today and was reminded of how the enemy used to attack me in this area. For years I could stand in faith and believe for someone else’s healing or deliverance or salvation or forgiveness. I could believe others were worthy of it and going to heaven but not me. I was unworthy. I was to sit on the sidelines and be grateful I was allowed to serve and sit at the Lords feet. Then one day…I was praying at the altar and the Lord in one sweep of His hand took that all away!!! He revealed to me “you are weakening the power of the blood I shed on the cross for you. I did it for you.” From that day forward (probably 20 years or more now) I know that I know that I know! His blood was for you and me! He has the power to save!❤️❤️

  2. I cried, smiled and picked myself up with great resolve! Our God is able and He loves us!!!

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