This week was my birthday week, I took a few days off and spent each day with someone from my family. It was wonderful! The day after my birthday I went to the beach with two of my siblings. I am the oldest of four, oldest by several years. As we were walking to the beach through the sand, I said to my youngest brother “If you walk in someone else’s footprints it’s easier to get through the sand.” He said, “Ohhh, I’m going to walk in Britt’s!” (me). The Holy Spirit nudged me as my brother and I had this conversation. I want to share those thoughts with you!

1.) Walking in someone else’s footprints at the beach reminded me of life. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when things are already done. Meaning, ask for help! If God has given you a passion, gifting, calling, go to your pastor, leader, tell them the desires of your heart and what the Lord has told you. There is no need to walk through unnecessary difficulty walking through tough sand when someone could help and guide you. But…

Whose footsteps are we walking in?

We have Jesus. As we read the Bible, His Words, we can find out His Will and His Way. But are we walking in His footsteps or humans? Do we compare our lives, ministries, family, giftings, to people or to God? We need to walk in Jesus footsteps. Not humans. Yes, others are there to guide us and lead us. They can pray for us and help us walk in all that God has for us. But don’t make what these people say to or about you the 100% unshakable truth about you. Who does God say that you are?

2.) My brother said he was going to walk in my footsteps. Whether we like it or not we are leaving footprints that others will see. They will follow us as leaders, pastors, siblings, parents, friends. It’s our job to 1, set a good example and leave prints in the right direction and 2, guide them to Jesus. To show them the way to Him

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

We need to walk in His light, in His way, follow His footprints.

This is something I know that I struggle with. Opinions of others, what they say about me, who I should be, am expected to be, letting people down, etc. As I mentioned earlier, it’s good to turn to others for help and often we are the ones people turn to. However, I (we) need to make sure that we are ultimately turning to Jesus and following Him.


Some pictures from the beach: