As many of you know I have felt the call to missions since I was a teenager. I don’t think I recognized it at the time, but I recognize it now. God was preparing me, shaping me, cultivating in me this passion for kids and for missions. I’m grateful.

When I started this blog I wanted it to be like a conversation between friends. A time to rest, reflect, dig deep, have conversation, grow, challenge each other and get closer to Jesus. I had a feeling when I started it that one day I would be adding a post like this and a new section of writing.

In August of 2019 I was approved as a missionary associate to the country of Togo in West Africa. I will be working with a team that is already there to train, equip, and encourage the local church in why children’s ministry is important, how to do it and what it’s all about. That is a very vague and brief description but it’s an overview of what I know for now.

I have decided to dedicate a space of this blog to updates for this life adventure that God has called me to. The name of the blog is Live God Adventures because daily we can choose to walk with God in this adventure of life and grow in Him. I will have a tab labeled “Missions” where you will find “Living God Adventures” posts, that will be what we call these type of posts and updates. If you would like to follow along, see pictures, updates, and more about this new adventure, be sure to check back for more posts!

If you would like to be notified by email when updates are sent, please message me with your email address.

First update:

My goal is to leave for Togo in August of 2020. I have to raise my budget before I leave. I am currently at 1.38% of monthly support and 38.2% of cash budget.

I will be attending security training and pre-field orientation in March in Springfield, Missouri. What am I most concerned about? Freezing. I am a Florida girl through and through, Missouri in March will be quite a shock to my Florida blood! Hah! I’m excited to meet the Africa Team and fellow missionaries!

God is good, y’all.

Seek Him above all else.

There isn’t anything especially extraordinary about me. Why He chose me to have the privilege of teaching people about children’s ministry in Africa, I don’t know. It’s my hearts desire and what I’ve wanted to do for so many years. If you’re not sure the direction of your path, if you’re feeling confused and wondering what’s next – seek Him. Psalm 119:105 tells us that His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Trust Him and get in the Word, seek Him, surrender to Him and He will be faithful to do just that, light your path and guide you.

I am so thankful for every person who is partnering with me in prayer and in finances. Because of your support many children will come to know Jesus.

11 Replies to “Living God Adventures – February 2020”

  1. As I read, I just thought, “wow, how exciting!”. I am praying that God does a great work through you. I sincerely hope that you continue to enjoy the ride with Him.

    1. Amen! An exciting adventure! It always is when we say, “Yes!” to Him!

  2. I love you so & am so excited for all that God is so evidently doing in you and through you! You are a blessing and as you continue in this calling I know He will use to love His children and teach the teachers…. Is. 52:6-7

    1. Love you, too! Thank you! Your encouragement and friendship is so cherished!

  3. Praying for you sister! It is always encouraging to watch as our brothers and sisters respond to the Lords calling!

  4. I am so excited for you and so honored to be your Mom and to watch the call of God come to fruition in your life! So thankful that, although many of us are not able and not called to go, we will be going with you as we partner in supporting your mission! And we will be rewarded in heaven for having a part in bringing the souls in that you touch! Sign me up for everything! I love you and we are behind you 100 percent!

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