Today I have had the old hymn, Victory in Jesus, in my head all morning. I started thinking about the word victory.

Victory: an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.

Then I started thinking about the reality of our city, state, nation, world right now and I asked myself the question, “do you feel victorious?” I want to ask you, do you feel victorious?

I realized in my time of reflecting on this question that, no, I don’t *feel* victorious. The reality of my situation right now is that about 2/3 weeks ago I was likely exposed to the corona virus, I was quarantined for two weeks, I returned to work for three and a half days then sent home due to sneezing and coughing symptoms (likely allergies, I’m not worried), and now am home again. I’m unable to be around family because one of my family members is immunocompromised and my grandparents are elderly. My church is doing online services and I live alone so I’m not able to socialize (from a distance). My missions administrator is on a ventilator with the virus and was recently air lifted to another hospital.

All of these things are real. Acknowledging that and processing this is important. But thank God I don’t live in, stay in, or find my hope in my feelings.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

I would imagine that in this moment of Jesus saying these things, the disciples felt confused, overwhelmed by information that they didn’t quite understand, and concerned. Have you felt this way recently?

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

Peace. Victory.

These likely aren’t two words that would immediately come to mind in our current world climate.

I have found myself questioning things lately. Not God or my trust in or relationship with Him. But the outside voices and input of others. I’ve seen polar opposite conversations of “why are we being so drastic, we have the blood of Jesus and shouldn’t be afraid, let’s continue as normal” to “let’s shelter and stay inside and mask and gown up and not go anywhere and I’m terrified.” So, which is right? Why is there so much back and forth about this? It made me ask myself, where do I stand? Where do you stand?

I have found myself turning off my phone (or at least social media) and turning to the Word (the Bible) for answers. I believe that because God knows, knew, planned, hears, listens, cares, loves, the answers we seek we will find in His word. In regards to social distancing right now, Romans 13 tells us to submit to government, Isaiah 53 tells us that by His stripes we are healed, Philippians 4 tells us not to be anxious, and Romans 8:28 says that He works all things for our good.

So what is the take away from this?

Get. In. The. Word. Turn off the news, get off social media, turn off the tv, and get in the Word. Play worship music, spend time as a family in your Bible. I don’t mean turn off all of those things forever all day, but intentionally spend time in the Word.

Peace and victory may not be the first words you’d use to describe how you feel right now. But let’s work to change that. Let’s walk in this peace that passes all understanding, let’s be wise and use common sense and listen to the laws of our government. Let’s not allow the media’s fear tactics to shake us. Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), guard your heart and your mind (Philippians 4:6-7), trust in God (proverbs 3:5), and ask for help/prayer/friends whenever you need to!

Be encouraged. Be victorious. Walk in peace.

I am praying for you, friends! I am also here if you’d like to talk!