Discipline, sacrifice, uncomfortable, obedience. None of these words necessarily spark excitement in us right away, do they? No. We want to live the way we want, do what we want, not worry about anyone else, live in comfort, not worry about rules. But as a follower of Christ that is just not the way it is. He chose us and died for our sins, our “reasonable service” the bare minimum for us is to live our days, moment by moment, in complete surrender to Him.

My mind has been sobered the last few weeks. This life is truly not about me. It’s not about my happiness not about my comfort, it’s about Him. I think in our flesh desire to be comfortable and the truth that is “relationship over religion” we have run too far away from obedience and discipline to our Father. No, we are not saved by works. Yes, it is a relationship with Jesus. But within that there is sacrifice, obedience, surrender, discipline, and discomfort. Read your bible, pray, seek Him, live you life daily surrendered to Christ.

Colossians 1:16

• all things are created for Him.

Romans 12:1

• living sacrifice = reasonable service

Colossians 1:28-29

• goal = “Him we preach”

Romans 12:2

• do not be conformed to this world.

We were created by and for God. Whatever talents, calling, ability we have is secondary and a gift to us. We need to use it to glorify Him. Living as a sacrifice to God, daily picking up our cross, spending time in prayer, worship, fasting, reading the word, it’s a sacrifice of our time and the discipline of our flesh. It is our “reasonable service” to Him. It is the minimum of what is expected. Our goal while we have time is to preach Jesus and share Him with the world, warning and teaching them. This is our purpose. The world would teach and preach self love and happiness in yourself, in the things the world holds dear. The world will try to distract with things that are appetizing to my flesh it’s the same thing the enemy did in the garden with Eve. Our flesh wants to be satisfied, to be happy, to be pleased, to be entertained, our flesh wants to be distracted, our flesh wants to be comfortable.

Radical obedience.

Complete surrender.

It’s not the “norm” and it goes against our comfortable life plan. But isn’t that the point? We should be different (salt and light). How will we do that if we are the same, going through the same motions as the world? So, where do I start? How do I avoid religion and make this my relationship with Jesus? Start with me. I can only control and responded to me. I can crucify my flesh daily, spend time in prayer, be obedient to the spirit, fast, teach and share the gospel when given the opportunity. But ultimately live my daily life moment by moment in radical and complete surrender to my Savior. It is your responsibility to turn from sin, turn from your past, turn from whatever temptation it might be and surrender to God. No one can do that for you. No one can mature for you. No one can learn for you. You choose that. You choose Jesus or you choose the world. Remember, don’t be lukewarm (Revelation 3:15-16).

That is my challenge to you. Start today. Pray, read the Bible, fast, worship. All of the above or one of the above, for 5 minutes or one hour. Not sure where to start? Reach out to someone around you (or me!) and let them teach you how. Surround yourself with people who will uplift you and push you toward Christ, not away from Him.

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