Psalm 101 is a psalm that talks about our promised faithfulness to the Lord. It states many ways that we can show our faithfulness to Him. In Galatians 5 one of the character traits of the fruit of the spirit is faithfulness. As I was reading this morning I thought this psalm explained very well ways that we could walk in faithfulness to the Lord.

Take a minute before reading on and write out in your journal what faithfulness looks like or means to you and for you. What does it look like when a person is faithful?

This psalm gives us some instruction of how to live faithfully unto the Lord and how to strengthen that area of fruit. As I was reading this morning, I wanted to write out some “I will” statements that come from this psalm (the translations I used are; NKJV, AMP, and TPT). I plan to refer to these when evaluating my faithfulness to the Lord. I wrote them out then wanted to share them with you.

I encourage you to read these statements below and have your journal handy. Take a few minutes to read Psalm 101, then read these statements individually, maybe write them down if you’d like. Spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit what this area looks like for you. Is this an area you lack in? Is it something you are doing well in? Is it something you could encourage and teach others in? Is it something the Lord is asking you to teach your children to do?

As we live each day in surrender to the Lord, let us look to the Word of God (the Bible) and look at our lives in light of that truth.

Share this image with some friends, encourage them to walk faithfully with the Lord.