Everything changes. Nothing ever seems to stay the same. People come and go in our lives; friends, family, acquaintances. Our jobs change, people die, babies are born. Everything changes.

This week, my grandparents home, where they’ve lived since the 1970s, was listed for sale. I’ve known that this was coming at some point since I was a teenager, but I’ve felt so sad this week. There are so many memories and so much of my life attached to this house, more than I could ever put into words, good memories and bad memories, memories with people who are still in my life and with people who aren’t. I’ve had a lot of nostalgic feelings and thought that I would have another chance to walk around this house before it was sold. However, living in another country didn’t make that possible. Maybe this sounds silly to you but I’m just being honest.

As I’ve reflected on all this and as I’ve sat with my thoughts saying over and over “everything changes” I’ve been reminded each time that God doesn’t change. His faithfulness stays the same. He was faithful in my grandparents lives as they moved to Florida, chose a church, had children, raised their children, and made decisions. He has been faithful in my parents lives to heal, restore, guide, and lead. And He is and will be faithful in my life. People will disappoint, everything will change; seasons, scenery, homes, people. But Jesus remains the same forever. He is always Faithful, Steadfast, Present, Listening, and He is always for me. I am thankful for this reminder.

As I live out and navigate this adventure called life and walk completely surrendered to the Lord, I realize that I too must be continuously changed. His plans are not my plans. I can have an idea, a thought, or a plan in my head that would seem to work out really well with nice straight lines and makes a lot of sense. However, that’s not always the best plan. If I’m going to live surrendered to the Lord, then I must let go and allow Him to continuously change me, my heart, my life, my ideas, and my plans. That might look like going in circles, going backwards, difficult people, or whatever other way you want to describe it.

What I’m trying to say is, yes, everything changes. Change isn’t a bad thing and I’m learning to embrace it.

One Reply to “Everything Changes”

  1. Remember what Solomon wrote ions ago “Everything has a season, a season for…..” it sounds like that is where you are today. That puts you in some really good company because He is among the wisest people who ever lived. Except He never knew JESUS as you do or The Holy Spirit as you have. WOW‼️ What a mighty God we serve.

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