Do you ever just feel like you’re so busy, there are so many things coming up, not necessarily anything bad is happening, that you just become idle, or you begin to coast? It’s almost like setting the cruise control while driving. I feel like that’s been me this week. I had a day off recently. I could have spent time in the Word, spent time praying and seeking Him but instead I binge watched netflix and relaxed. Is rest and relaxation bad? No way! The Lord even tells us to rest. But we shouldn’t be excessive about it. We shouldn’t become idle.

When things are busy and we are overwhelmed we tend to (eventually) choose Jesus, choose surrender and choose His plan. We submit and begin to seek Him fervently, excitedly serving Him and spending time with Him. 

Maybe it’s just me but once I’m in a place of moving ahead, once that overwhelming feeling is over I almost begin to coast? I think this could go two ways. We could coast and begin to decline, or we could coast and get ready.

Option 1: Become idle. Be careful of this option. Things get “back to normal” the “stress” of whatever the situation or problem is over or you’ve got a goal you are working toward so you maybe aren’t seeking Him quite as fervently. Instead of waking early in the morning to spend time with the Lord you choose to sleep in. Instead of reading your Bible you choose TV. Your problem isn’t as prevalent and the waves aren’t crashing as much so you become lax. 

Option 2: Get ready. This is the option that takes self-discipline and hard work. You continue to choose Him, you continue to read your Bible and spend time with Him. You work toward that goal and actively pursue Him and His presence. You encourage and build up others who are going through what you went through and you “level up” and work toward the goal. What you read and learn in this time will fill you up for the obstacles and tests to come. 

Friend, do not waste the “coasting” time. When things are going well, do not become lax, do not become idle. Choose to fervently pursue Jesus in every season of life. He will keep you, He will sustain you, and He will reward you for your perseverance. 

Psalm 65:4 says “Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple. 

He wants you to draw near to Him, He is calling you close. Will you go deeper? Will you fill up in this time so that you don’t walk into your next season dry and weary? The Bible challenges us to come near to God continually, that we might receive His mercy and strength to help us in our times of need. 

As you work toward the goal, the calling, the purpose God has created you for choose Jesus. Choose to surrender the good, bad, easy, hard, pretty, ugly, messy to Him. He wants it all. He wants all of you. Will you surrender to Him?